The public is being played, again, by a professional con artist, and they will never catch on…even though their government blatantly allows them to be financially stripped, through higher taxes, in the support of criminals…again

Reagan Amesty 2 incoming.

Making Amigos Great Again ™

Year after year. Presidential election after Presidential election…the American public swallows the lies from the biggest puppet show on the planet, produced and choreographed by the White House, and directed by the deep state.

No laws have to be passed…only existing laws enforced…Presidents take an oath to defend the country from invasion.

Allowing Mexico to enable this invasion is an Act Of War against the USA, unanswered and allowing them through into the U.S.A. is TREASON.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)