He can only do himself what the Constitution allows, and what he can get through Congress. DACA is still in the courts, which have the cancellation on hold. No new DACA registrants are being signed up. Obamacare's mandate is dead, due to the tax law he got passed. No one is required to buy insurance now, and the exchanges are still there for people who want unusable insurance at ridiculous prices. Prices are coming down. Congress refused to reform Medicaid to allow block grants to states for creating their own systems. Again, he is limited in what he can do alone, and the Dems, Never-Trumpers, and sellouts to the donor class have fought him tooth and nail.

So, what we've got is Tax Reform, regulatory relief, good judges being slowly confirmed, a huge improvement in our prestige overseas, improved trade deals, and the very good prospect that we'll be getting out of some military entaglements that are killing and maiming our troops for little or no benefit. The economy is booming, with unemployment way down and more Americans working than any time in history. Welfare rolls are going down. We're the largest energy producer in the world, and officially energy-independent, though we still import while exporting our own. This stuff is just what comes to mind right now.

WTF do you think we'd have if the Fat Bitch had won, or ANY of the other Republicans, which is really the same thing as none of them would have won, including Teddy Cruz, whom I like for the most part? Any promise made by a presidential candidate has to be viewed with the limitations of the powers of the office in mind, unless you want someone to sieze total control as dictator.

What fresh Hell is this?