The compassionate Christian in me wants to offer the American Dream to those poor Bastards.
The hard logical side says you will have more problems than successes.

Any that come to North America should be harshly vetted.
And permently deported at the first problem. The whole famdamly.

I know this is considered racist, more so because I don't see it that way.

There is something in the brain, or just the culture, but these people have not
evolved, civilization wise, past the early tribal stages.

Blacks are farther along, but not here yet.

And it's not that I'm a race hater.
Give most Asians a chance to stand at the starting line, and watch them run.

The aforementioned.
They will spray paint it.
Claim it.
Fight over it.
Trash it.
While everyone else is running toward success.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!