Got an Anova for Christmas and like it way more than expected. Actually, our family got one for my grown grandson and I to share while we decide if I'm going to get one on my own. I am.

Grandson is good with the thing and I'm getting there. We've done elk steaks spiced three different ways, to test flavors. Whole whitetail tenderloin, two boneless pork roasts, potatoes twice, and salmon twice (extra good in sous vide because we get it perfectly done instead of raw spots mixed with overdone). A kitchen torch helps but I have also finished stuff in the oven broiler and in a stove top cast iron skillet. It takes more time than throwing something in a skillet or on a grill, somewhat like using a smoker to cook, but delish!

I check online time and temperature charts to know how long to cook at what temperature, and have concluded that everybody who posts those likes to eat everything raw or rare, including pork. I now raise the temp 5 to 10 degrees over their recommendation. It seems like I can't overcook things, if anything, meat just gets more tender if you leave it longer but does not dry out nor move toward well done or over well done.