Originally Posted by Boarmaster123
Why do you think they want to stop any sales of guns without a background check. They dont care about safety. Its so there is a record of the purchase. Using the background check thing as a way of determining if you have a firearm only works if there is a record made if you dispose of it.
So they want to close any transfer that doesnt make a record. So you cant say , well I sold that.
You are exactly right and I've been saying the same thing on here for many years. Some on here are for Universal Background Checks and others are for Red Flag Laws. Both are extremely bad. Universal Background Checks may or may not pass a Constitutional test, but just because they may be legal under the Constitution does not mean that they are good or desirable. They are bad and undesirable. Red Flag Laws are not Constitutional at all and more easily demonstrated so than Universal Background Checks.

Universal Background Checks are nothing more than de-facto gun registration.