my stock looked pretty much like yours. I wanted to do what Killerv is doing, reshaping and all but don't have the bench and vice and all I settled with a refinish. Used Ciristrip to get rid of the old finish , and man there was never an easier finish to remove. After I cleaned it up a bit I saw the wood looked pretty chewed up but didn't care as this was more for fun than anything. Sanded it down a bit and found a stain thought I might be perfect, red chestnut, and applied it. Can't ever fully tell from a sample what your application of the same stain may look like and It didn't really take until I really rubbed it in. I finished with...I don't know maybe ten - 12 coats of tru oil. Applied one thin coat a day for well over a week. Took no time per day.

It isn't show room quality maybe but does make me like it all the more for the effort and came out as I hoped. Not a great picture but ...
[Linked Image].

Apologies for the hugeness of this pic guys.

Really looking forward to see Killerv's end product as I am sure it will make me jealous.

Last edited by kenjs1; 03/20/19.

When a country is well governed, poverty and a mean condition are something to be ashamed of. When a country is ill governed, riches and honors are something to be ashamed of
. Confucius