It depends on where you live and what you do with your truck. I went with the aggressive lug, stiff wall, go through anything tires on my first trucks. As I've gotten older and wiser, I rather like listening to a nice sounding radio or normal tone conversation than sounding like a fire engine siren going down the highway where the truck spends most of its time. As a youth it was damn the bushes, full speed ahead and more than once I came home with the side mirrors in the back of the truck instead of attached to the sides of the vehicle. Today I'll be darned if I'm going to bury a $50,000. Platinum up to the frame in a mud hole. Drive it in 2wd and punch the 4wd button as needed. I pay a lot of attention to Consumer Reports test data and they rated the Continental and Michelin light truck tires as the best and today all of our vehicles wear the Michelin tires.

Most every outdoor enthusiast that I know with a 4wd, also has an ATV of some description and if you break one of those while inconvenient, you put it on the trailer or in the back of the truck and drive home. Break your only means of transportation because you thrashed it in the hinterland 200 miles from home and you are in a world of hurt. I broke an axle on the truck once in the Nicolet National Forest and it was more than just inconvenient.

My other auto is a .45

The bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the sweetness of low price has faded from memory