Hold on here folks. The cops surround, or attempt to surround the car ? They car attempts to flee ? Over one of the cops who got in the way ? The occupants were intoxicated ? On what ? No drugs found in the house ? Anything about any house search at all ? At press time I mean. The law, as I understand it, is that they can't raid the house before they get a warrant. Surrounding the house, with a raid team as they wait for a warrant is often done.
I've been there in things like this before. If it is reported right after the shooting, blood test results aren't published simply because they can't do them that quick.
Of all the shootings I've seen, none ever get reported accurately. The reporters leave something out because they don't see it's significance. Or, since no complete investigation is finnished yet, they simply don't have the facts. Or, often times, they have a hidden agenda. Or they can't believe that some 14-16 yr. old is a real bad guy. I've seen kids 12 yrs. old selling drugs to undercover narcs. I know of an in custody 14 yr. old girl that killed a careless deputy while in handcuffs. You suspect they are in the wrong because of what you read in paper, and the fact that a teenage girl was killed while "simply trying to take her drunk boyfriend home. "
BTW, cops do get indicted and prosecuted. I personally know of several cases. It is rare that they are convicted. Why ? Because prosecution is often based on PC motives and conclusions based on less than the complete picture.
By the time the accused cop gets to tell his side of the story - the agencies rarely do that these days - he is already on trial, etc. This has gotten so bad in places like New York City, that cops will threaten and sometimes actually do, stage a job action, like a sick in, or a work slow down, to get fair treatment for their fellow cops.
How does that strike all of you critics ? If you piss off your cops they refuse to work for you. Strap on your guns guys. Buy some hand grenades. Your cops have decided not to go to work for a while. E