
Actually nothing is funnier or more disgusting than a "know it all", who sincerely believes the NONSENSE that he spews does anything but make KNOWLEDGEABLE people laugh AT his ignorance/brainlessness. = This means DIM-wits who believe that where a person lives has anything whatever to do with his/her experience/knowledge.
(There are smart Texans & stupid ones, just as there are DUMB, arrogant & SELF-important AK folks.)

Speaking of "experience", the more IGNORANT & BIGOTED the speaker, the more likely that the person uses filthy/obscene//vulgar language, to cover-up for their lack of vocabulary/education. = This means YOU, "DUMB-bunny".

Fyi, over my nearly 3 decades (& much of it being stationed OCONUS) with the USA, I'd bet that I've hunted/taken more sorts of game than you have or ever will.

yours, tex


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836