Originally Posted by Paddler
Originally Posted by Greyghost
Yup, she had to run quickly giving up her judgeship to avoid prosecution and to protect her retirement. News of her part in family scheme to defraud the government was leaked to the public. She couldn't run fast enough.



Yep, I heard about that. What about McConnell and RUSAL? And Vitter, the lobbyist, and his wife being confirmed for a judgeship? And the aluminum plant to be built in Kentucky? McConnell is a traitor.

Do you understand that everyone knows that Lee Harvey Oswald was one of you left wing loons.Listening to you helps us understand how LHO saw the world.Peas in a pod.

Ideas are far more powerful than guns, We dont let our people have guns. Why should we let them have ideas. "Joseph Stalin"

He who has braved youths dizzy heat dreads not the frost of age.