Hello sir! Nice to hear from a fellow Utahn ( I'm a native Texan, but have lived here since 1990, after 3 yrs in Oklahoma) I love it here, first/only place I ever lived that actually has Four Seasons! ha I have met a good dozen .270 users since being out here, and every one of them uses the 150 of some make! Granted, these are mostly older guys, but I always try ask guys what they use, whether at the range, out hunting or hearing their hunting stories. This is the first .270 I've owned through the years that actually shoots the 150/160 so accurately. The other rifles preferred either 130/140. I just never hunted with them. Well, one BAR I let my Godson shoot a Spanish goat in Colorado, I had to finish him off for him ( 140 Failsafe) He was a little fellow (the Godson, the goat was a keeper!) As I get "longer in the tooth" and "sorer in the joints", I find I enjoy the lighter rounds more, just a fact. I also know I'm never going back to Africa, so not a lot of bigger animals in my future...so far. smile