
PITY that I've "caught you IN" at least a few "mistakes of fact" OR more likely in KNOWING LIES. = Tell everyone what your excuse will be when I next go to Mother's home, make a Xerox of the letter that MAJ (He was then a 2LT, USAR.) Murphy wrote from a hospital in USAREUR to my mother at Christmas 1944, when he was recovering from a bullet wound to the hip. = The letter is 5 handwritten pages long & mentions mother teaching him English.
(Mother never taught 5th Grade or any other elementary grade.)
My guess is that MAJ Murphy actually took 8th grade English before going to the TXARNG.

NOTE: MAJ Murphy was evidently born in the hamlet of ONIONVILLE, Hunt County, TX, spent his early boyhood there & after his father deserted the family, he lived in at least 6 different towns before joining the TXARNG. = Mrs. Murphy, Audie & his sisters all did farm "stoop labor" to keep eating regularly & followed the "picking season", wherever they could get work.
His mother also was sometimes employed as a housemaid for various people.
(Life was always difficult for the family, until Audie went onto AD & started sending money home.)

When I copy/post that letter to the forum, we can all have a big HORSE LAUGH at your expense, "Mr. Knowitall".

yours, tex


William Barrett Travis, Lt.Col., comdt.
Fortress of The Alamo, Bejar
F'by 24, 1836