Originally Posted by Rakkasan
Had a rattler creep into a foxhole during war games at Ft Campbell, KY. One fella claimed they were good eatin'! We skinned him out and 'kababed him on a Jeep dipstick. He was WAY better than MRE's. I still have the rattle.

I don't kill snakes anymore. They're more beneficial than dangerous. (venomous aside)
I just move them or ignore them. Let a garter snake loose in the timbers around my garden. Haven't seen evidence of a mouse in years. Learned that trick from my Grampa, he released snakes in his corn crib.

Some timber rattlers in my area, but the sound of a lawn mower or chainsaw and they move to a more quiet hill.

Don't worry about Noxen. Joe will have snake bite kits for all attendees. Bring your own snake boots though. smile

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"Every day above ground is a good day."