JMR40 and Others

Trump is saving the Republican Party that was going along so well with Paul Ryan (who had me fooled when he ran with Romney) and McCain mentality Rats. He is the first President or politician that I can recall actually keeping or trying to keep promises from the election trail. He has exposed the Media for what they are and dumb asses like Romney still want their love and affection even after they lied about him. That beast Crowley in the second debate screwed blued and tattoo'd him when he put Zero on the ropes.

I have news for Mitt and the other never Trumpers...all of the spying and Russia Hoax done by Zero's administration on DJT was similarly done to him albeit on a smaller scale in the 2012 election. That is why they were so emboldened in 2016. They had already ran that scam before without penalty.

Side Note....Don't you know Zero and his circle have a real deep hate for Hillary being lazy with her campaigning that they just KNOW she had in the bag. She blew it from their POV because Trump couldn't beat the establishment. No way!

Originally Posted By: slumlord

people that text all day get on my nerves

just knowing that people are out there with that ability,....just makes me wanna punch myself in the balls