Originally Posted by bigfish9684
Honest question from one who really has no opinion on the matter, and got hammered watching the debate tonight.

Why must one go to church to worship God/Christ/Holy trinity/ghost or whatever? I mean y'all can read I assume, why does someone gotta read it to you at an appointed time on Sunday? I miss the rules that were handed out or something?

OK, I am done stirring chit up. I'll leave this out there: On the day of rest, I'm frigging resting. I want to worship, I'll be good and rested when I wake up. Discuss amongst yourselves. I'm not disparaging any religion. Honest questions, from someone who had to go to early Sunday service, simply because it was shorter. And later found out my parents did not truly believe.

Apologies in advance if I screw up this explanation. You ever notice when your around certain people your habits and speech reflects them? Could be in just a minor, shared experiences kind of way. You surround yourself with those who share an interest or passion. Hunting clubs, shooting, etc. The “Word” is a map and a mirror not a lens. As soon as some realize that it could reverse the current course. It’s an impossible standard that shows the need for a Savior. You don’t attend church, support charities, etc. for others. You do it as a reflection and in response to the grace you’ve received. It’s a response to a gift, not a fearful obligation. I hope I’ve done some justice to the explanation but fear I haven’t. I tend to over communicate and yet not explain.