CDS is a fhuqking JOKE,as it's only a bumper sticker and does less than ZERO for mechanics. Same goes a Kenton or anyone else's turret,in anything other than erector values. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Now I do rather enjoy the Incessant Whining of Drooling Clueless Fhuqks doing their absolute best,to TRY and "talk" rifles,if only because nothing is more funny than oblivious Hilarity. Hint.

The astute have long known,that connectings dots is a fhuqking breeze,if the guts of your glass are capable. Hilariously,that rules out the Goat Fhuqks that the Window Licking Fence Hoppers are trying to "laude". There has never been a Reupold 2.5-8x that's held zero,tracks or repeats and to muse otherwise,is more than a touch "revealing". As a not ANY "surprising" aside,LW's puke with regularity...despite The Haybale & Crockett Crowd's retardation,precluding a first fhuqking clue or a glimmer of actual use to reflect upon in the first hand. Hint.

The CDS/BDC/Kenton Ruse is exceptionally fhuqking HILARIOUS,as it's a clock that tells time but once a day,which is far less than a broken one. Hint.

Now going from BDC to an erector value turret,is assuredly a strengthened link in the chain. Despite wrongwayzee ele correction direction,whole MOA values correlating the erector(which does actually track,repeat and hold zero in MK4 M3 6x),makes it all a breeze. For the application,I can certainly "suffer" the (1) MOA "click" value on ele and don't hate the (1/2) MOA "click" value on the horizontal plane. Of course the DOPE card correlates like adjustments,as they're the only fhuqking adjustments available(the half-"click" M3 Ploy is another fhuqking JOKE). Hint.

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No thang to handily drive a platform in Old School values,pun be intended. Erector tracks,holds zero and repeats in MOA,while the windshield is etched Mil. DOPE in ocular has come ups in MIL,for hasty subtensions,to the limit of the 5 Milliradians available. Due many years of this being a "mainstay"(MOA erector/MIL reticle on various Fixed MK4's in both M1 and '3),I'm rather fluent in conversions in either lineal angular direction,though you "hard chargers" will have to Google it all. In Today's World,it's foolish to deviate from an erector and reticle,that speak the same language. Hint.

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Initial zero range and maximized data,is controlled by launch velocity,BC and application. Niche DOPE here. Hint.

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When velocity is compromised and BC's are too,nice thangs can still happen. It is prudent to denote DOPE come-ups in lesser range increments,due the increased input requisite,to correct same. Hint.

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An ugly Subsonic Transition,can often bolt doors closed and simply is,what it is for a 250-grainer at 1225fps. hint.

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You Do Nothing Dumbfhuqks keep the excuses coming and be sure to "brandish" your Stupidity as if it were an "advantage",because you Silly Kchunts trying,is just simply fhuqking HILARIOUS.

Bless your hearts,for being devoid the means,abilities and comprehension,to collectively garner a FIRST Fhuqking Clue.

GOOD talk.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."