Originally Posted by pete53
the shoulder surgeon told me this; limit your archery practice and decide rather you want to bowhunt or try to shoot target archery somehow,i decided to bowhunt with a 50 lb. bow and cut on impact broadheads on my arrows i make.so i look at my archery equipment and can`t hardly wait to start shooting my bow again around September,the wait is only because of my very poor shoulders that both have been operated on. i am not a rich man who travels the world to bowhunt or go on fence bowhunts, but do just fine on decent whitetail bucks, nor do i put my antlers in a book or have them scored to impress the world, but believe me,my son and myself have done ok bowhunting. and i still like to practice shooting my bow.Pete53

If your shoulders are so bad why are you shooting 50lb? Do yourself a huge favor and drop the weight. And strengthen those shoulders, it's never to late to get them strong. Lots of great PT's out there that could get you back to at least 75-80%.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.