Originally Posted by tzone
Originally Posted by cwh2
Well, as we wait for those pics, here's my contribution to keep people reading.

[Linked Image]

Not a big ram, but a full curl 8 year old.
[Linked Image]

The key to making a sheep look big is to take a picture of it with a tiny rifle!

That's not a big ram?

For you guys that haven’t got sheep hunt much, any legal Ram is a good ram, any sheep somewhere around high 37” to mid 38” is a nice ram, sheep 39” and above are great rams, some guys will use 40” as the cutoff and that’s ok too.

Told the outfitter I guided sheep for that I was pizz poor at guessing the tale of the tape in the field. Sheep only come in 3 sizes for me, not legal, legal but meh, and omg can’t wait to get a tape on that bastard. Said it worked for him 🤷🏻‍♂️

Most sheep are hard earned ime, I got one easy one, once upon a time 😎, I’ll never look down my nose at any legal sheep a guy takes. But man I still enjoy seeing those big bastards!

Speaking of, if Chris has time and inclination, it’d be nice if he’d post pix of that 42” ram on here so guys could get a comparison

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.