Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by las
Originally Posted by troutfly
Originally Posted by Cariboo
Originally Posted by kkahmann
I've been processing moose for a long time.
An average moose in this country weighs 900 to 1000 lbs on the hoof which results in somewhere between 300 to 400 lbs of boneless meat.
I have several freezers here (Box Type--hinged lid on top)5ft long maybe 2ft wide and 3ft deep. An average moose will fill one about 3/4 full, cut and wrapped.

That's what we find too. Expect about 35%-40% of the live weight in boneless meat.

That has been my experience as well.

And mine, with respect to different moose sizes.

A really big Yukon/Alaska bull weighing 1500# will up the percentage of meat to live body weight to 45% or a bit more. The smaller the live body weight, the smaller the percentage of boneless meat.

Are you on a Resurrection Tear or what?


I generally don't reference post dates- whatever pops up on the screen I go with.

If I'm real lucky, I don't contradict my own earlier post..... smile

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.