Originally Posted by Terryk
For a klaussen cold pack recipe, you can start with this, change spices to taste.

4 pounds halved cucumbers
8 large dill heads
6 garlic cloves quartered
8 cups filtered pure water
2 cups vinegar (white), cider vinegar can be used but the pickles get dark.
1/2 cup pickling salt, no iodine
4 TBS pickling spices or more to taste
optional 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes or a whole hot pepper

Heat water, vinegar, salt, an spices to near boil. Cool liquid to room temp, ( I usually leave the broth to cool overnight) add cooled liquid, garlic, dill, cukes in a container, and refrigerate for at least 7 days, probably 10/12 is better. These will last in the fridge for a few months, but they will be eaten before that. You can also add halved green tomatoes. These are pretty addicting.
I usually "can" these in cheap tupper wear containers from walmart. Super easy to make.

I make these, and the fermented version, I don't can any pickles.

Just in snap-lid containers like for leftovers?

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.