Hanco: As the son of a mother and father who were dedicated smokers I have never touched one of the damned things!
Father started smoking at age six (this was not unusual back in rural America in the 1920's) and continued to smoke heavily until he quit 10 years before his death, at age 86 - lost half a lung late in life!
Mother smoked from age 20 to age 55 then quit cold turkey - damage done though. She had to have open heart surgery at age 77 to remove and replace the "smokers valve" in her heart.
She lived another 16 years with the artificial heart valve.
Only thing the liberal twit Yul Brenner ever got right - "don't smoke"! "Just don't smoke"!
This from his T.V. commercial just before he died of lung cancer.
I would rather spend my money on guns and bullets than cigarettes and Doctor bills!
I think ALL tobacco fields should be turned into apple orchards!
Hold into the wind