Originally Posted by lvmiker
Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by lvmiker
One should wait until you can analyze the sound of the object bouncing off your melon before taking action.

A simple question for the members: If a stranger yielding a large object threatens you or your family what is your planned response?

mike r

Are we the same as the cops then??

Same question, but you are a cop. What would you do?

mike r

Hard to say. I have no training as a cop. No de-escalation training.

Maybe shoot him? Maybe not?

As an EMT I have a license to practice medicine. I cant go around flibbity jibbiting.

A lay person has no such licence. Barring using an axe to cut off a limb to control a bleed....they are not held to the same standard in court.

So ,I dont know.

People sure do seem to have a big appetite for killing.

I am MAGA.