Interesting article.

I study avalanches, but not a certified forecaster...yet. Your snow conditions are very different than ours. In many cases, more dangerous.

Many, if not most are oblivious or discount the hazard.

You'd be amazed how frequently military personnel lose their weapons and equipment in snow operations.

Our saying is that: "If I'm tied in to you...YOU better not fall!

...if I fall...YOU better arrest mine!"

We only rope up on glaciers, running belays on higher angled slopes or anchored high angle belayed leads.

A deceased climbing buddy's wife gave me his crampons and some chocks and stoppers. I retired the protection and glad the crampons don't fit my boots, so I think am good.

Don't ask me about my military service or heroic acts...most of it is untrue.

Pronoun: Yes, SIR !