Originally Posted by ElmerFudd
Still willing to hear this out. If it's not addressed well, just one more blowhard puffing his chest out. Thus far he seems more interested in telling people he killed something rather than details of a hunt.

Take it for what it is, paid for staged shoots, hunting just applies when he is trying to find his camera.
Not that there is really anything wrong with that IMO as long as it stays legal. But I doubt you will hear anything about events and technics or strategies leading up to the shot unless it's how to eat off of the buffet back at "camp".
He has a couple of bucks he "shot" posted earlier. My first thought was if your gonna spend your money that way, why not get off your tight assed coin roll and spring for a deer in the 195 to 210 inch range? Go big or stay home.
In reality, as long as he is continuously pimping his junk every chance he gets then it is a tax deductible expense... But I don't call it hunting, and I know I'm not alone...
But as long as it helps him sell to the masses, and the occasional gullible thinks he is some kind of "hunting" guru, then he has acheived his goal.
Like I said, nothing wrong with that, it is what it is,... and it's not what it's not....