The 1st week of squirrel and dove is always trying the 1st week of September in Kentucky. Hot, sweaty and skeeters out the wazoo. I would always try to put some distance between me and my brother who was with Pop while in the woods. They just made too much noise! Remember fanning out and trying to push rabbits in November with both. 1st shotgun was a .410 single shot and then in 1976 found a long package wrapped under the Christmas tree. 870 Wingmaster IC with a vent rib. Remember both well because they are still in my rack. Young men can't afford much in the way of shotgun shells so a Lee loader was one of the 1st things on the agenda. Used to piss mom off by hammering out reloads on the kitchen table after dinner. Nothing will put the fear of God into you more than spilling a bag of #8 shot on a green shag carpet floor on a Saturday morning at 600 am while waiting for everyone to get up so you could start pounding out shotgun shells. Saturdays were a special day, Up to watch Kentucky Farm report and then Kentucky Afield, after that grabbed the gun and off we would go. Pop worked 3rd shift and would be home at about 7:30. Usually he would stop by a German bakery and pick up Kuka on the way home. After romping around looking for something to shoot I would make my way home and eat with Pop and my brother and watch Bugs Bunny cartoons. Wish both were still here and times were as simple as back then. Thanks for listening.