Shelter dog Honey Half-Lab cost me about $200 at adoption, including a $20 donation. June 2018 at 19 months. She just turned 3. Age and breed of dog will vary adoption fees by a couple hundred dollars from what I saw. She had spent her life, up to Borging me, at the end of a chain. Some assembly required..... smile. Young dogs will cost more than old dogs, which are sometimes "free", or almost so. Especially if they have medical problems.

Choko, a purebred but unregistered Dachsund is now 7 months. The person who initially spoke for him before birth wanted a long-hair.( His parents and 3 sisters are). Since he was a "reject". and a bit runty, we got him for$ 650- $100 less than his sisters went for. I happened to go on Craiglist about 10 minutes after he was posted, and 3 minutes later we had spoken for him pending inspection the next weekend. we got him at 8 weeks less 2 days. We had looked for a rescue Dachs for a year- hard to come by up here. and most places. We had a contact in Cabo who said she had them all the time - we darned near had to go back there on vacation again and bring us back a Jose.. smile

Breeds from breeders and their pedigrees will vary considerably in cost. Most pure bred Labs go for $1,000 - $1600 up here. More for really good field or hunting lines.

Any dog is likely to cost you an average of $1,000 per year in maintenence over it's lifespan. And as said above. A large piece of your heart.

Last edited by las; 10/20/19.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.