In my opinion ALL non-profits should have an across the board cap on total yearly compensation for everyone from the CEO/CFO on down the line to the lowest paid “charity” workers.

“Non-profits” and charities have become a vehicle for the well to do and the well connected to make ridiculous money through untaxed back door dealings and a “one stop shop” for their consolidation of power, influence and favoritism. Using a charity to enrich a few well connected power mongers while incessantly begging for donations from blue collar Americans really pisses me off. When the CEO has more money “invested” suits than most people have invested in their homes it highlights and underscores the abuse that’s become endemic with “non-profits”.

Charities enjoy a number of advantages, not the least of which is the tax free nature of their financial foundation. As such it’s not unreasonable to set a salary and compensation ceiling for ALL charities and non-profits. The mission of non-profits should NOT be to create millionaires from the misappropriation of charitable donations but rather to benefit those that the donations were intended for. I don’t care if it’s a 501, 502, 503, etc. if your non-profit enjoys the tax exemptions and feeds itself off of the donations of others because you produce nothing, service nothing and generally don’t do anything except redistribute the money then you should be restricted on how much of the donated money you get to pocket.

Just look at the Clinton Foundation or Soros and his Open Society foundation for the unabashed abuse of the non-profit system.

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~