Cash isn't necessary. Hunting isn't necessary. Guns aren't necessary. Heck, push up bras aren't necessary.

Since when is this about needs?

I use quite a bit of cash. Matter of fact, almost all my discretionary local spending is done in cash. I spend more wisely when I pat ole Benjamin on the head as I lay him on the counter and bid him farewell...... Somehow, $280 at Costco on a card is not as big a deal as it is when counting out the bills on the counter.

Color me strange, but I don't want anyone to know I spent $300 at the titty bar, or $200 at the liquor store, or $75 at the nail salon..... How long after that before the 'Fire starts serving me ads for more titties, liquor and nail polish? Not that that wouldn't be an improvement.

I had to go to the bank the other day to reset the pins on my debit card. I'd forgotten it. Then again, hasn't been hacked either.....

Sic Semper Tyrannis