I'm in your camp Dutch.

My wife is forced to get direct deposit, I'm not (go union, I get choices).
Our only bills are utility type, and all get charged to one rewards card.
She writes one check per month to pay the bills.

I cash my check, and we pay cash for everything else.
Other than the big brother tracking by the grocery stores through
their loyalty cards, nobody can find where we spend our money.
And nobody is given access to our bank account.

Cameras, scanners, skimmers....
You "safe" plastic money new age heterosexuals can deal
with all of that. If my bill is $20, I pay $20. Close my wallet and done.
Pretty easy.

Another thing that bites those who run accounts low, using
bank cards. Gas stations have no idea how much you will
Pump when you scan that card. So, they typically take $100
out of your account when you swipe. If you get $20, they still
hold the $80 until midnight when the systems allow the refund.
So, you suddenly have $80 less in your account.
So write a check, and it bounces. Come midnight, you get your money
back, but you are in for bounced check fees.
Your bank may wave them, the other one won't.

My wife sees this happen frequently in the c-store business.
Both from the bad checks she gets, and the card users that
come in mad because they bounced somewhere else.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!