Just an update for anyone interested.

I have a tendency to overthink some projects. This is one.

Originally I planned go use soft-tube 1/2" Cu. Pard put in a very similar line for his horses some years ago. "Just use 1" ABS tube like I did" he says. Ok. That'll work fine.

Another fella that works at the rental shop suggested PEX and shark bite connectors. Ok. That'll work and be easier. That's what prompted this thread.

Talked with Jeffa, and he suggested PVC pipe. Eazy/peasy. Ok. That'll work fine. I was convinced.

I go to Ferguson plumbing supply to get what I needed to get this done this weekend. Counter guy convinced me to go PEX. No joints underground. Easy to cut and splice. So easy I can do it.*

So, that's where I'm at. Got all I need, I believe. Got a Crackerjack to run the excavator (pard bearhuntr - member here). We'll get after it as soon as we have light.

*I would gladly do any other aspect of construction rather than plumbing.

Roofing 30' in the air? I'm your huckleberry.

Changing out switches, outlets, or even breakers on hot circuits? No worries. I'm there.

Making water or waste go somewhere? Fughk. And no. smile

I hope to be back. We'll see.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.