Top of the morning to you Roger, I hope that this first Sunday in the last month of 2019 finds you well and that it's a tad warmer down in your part of the world than it is here in southern BC!

Thanks for alerting us to this video, it's something that I'm personally going to be using when I teach my 31st season of the BC Hunter Safety Course next spring - the Good Lord willing, the creek don't rise and I'm still here... wink

For those not familiar with the course and standards needed to hunt in BC, we teach a course which is 8 nights of 2 hours per class - that's including a non-mandatory shooting night that our gun club has included. Anyway one can also buy the book and challenge the test, but for the most part we've had really good feedback from new hunters of all ages in that they get a really good grounding from the different instructors on each night.

We start with the ethics and conservation night, to let new hunters understand the time, effort, sweat and money that previous generations of hunters have laid down in order to have what we do today. As well it lets them know there's a lot of us involved in those conservation efforts still today. For us older guys it's very much for the next shift anymore as we've had our proverbial "time in the sun" - or on the mountains in our

Anyway sir, all that to say that we now talk a fair bit about videoing hunting activity and the present proclivity to post everything from brushing one's teeth to the morning constitutional bathroom experience on social media.

For the ever loving life of me, I can't grasp the need of some folks to do so and honestly I'll note too that it's not only kids doing it.

For the most part, I'll continue to take it as part of the ever changing world that this BC redneck semi-dinosaur and part time cowboy can't grasp....

The kids in the photo were poorly taught and raised in my opinion. If beatings are called for - and I'll not say they're not by the way - then after a thorough investigation I'll make an educated guess that there should be more than those two youngsters involved, you know?

Thanks again for some sad but relevant teaching material Roger and all the best to you as we head into winter.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"