Originally Posted by ribka

So there can be no redemption? Not only is that against the American ethos but it's against modern penal science. Again you have to go back to, "The rational part of a teen’s brain isn’t fully developed and won’t be until age 25 or so. " and hopefully they recognize the magnitude of their indiscretions. Sometimes they do on reflection, sometimes they need that slap up side the head to capture their attention.

Of course sometimes nothing works and they need to be isolated from society. Once saw an old-ish guy charged with public intoxication, repeat offender. Obviously an alcoholic. Multiple programs were available. Judge bent over backwards but the defendant said that whatever, he was going to keep drinking even if it killed him. One of th saddest things I've seen.

On the other hand there was a high school age kid that was picked up for shooting a deer out of season. He pleaded guilty, allocuted in open court, and acknowledged that he'd done wrong. Very convincingly. A man who was obviously his father was present with a look like I'll fix his wagon if he ever does something like that again. No doubt in my mind he's not been back in court and has become an upstanding citizen. aAnd I've known more like him than the other.

Haven't been dealing with it for anything like 28 years but have seen good things happen.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.