Originally Posted by GrouseChaser

Your observation of the mal-location of the base holes might be correct, or not. Hard to say without more photos, or maybe you have X-ray laptop? ?

No, my observation is correct. The hole placement is wrong. Not at all hard to see.

I've built plenty of Rifles on the 1909. As I stated previously, every action needs to be evaluated on its current condition.

Truth is, you can buy a complete FN or Mk X, or other commercial 98 with sights for roughly the same as a GOOD 1909 action alone will cost. 1K for a "Custom" build isn't much. A better approach would be to buy commercial or buy a nice used custom built along the lines you prefer. Starting from scratch it would be hard to build a nice custom for $1000. As evidenced by the GB 1909, all too often starting a build with a previously "customized", and I use that term very loosely, action is a loosing proposition.

Last edited by z1r; 12/04/19.