Originally Posted by navlav8r
You’re pretty sharp for a chopper pilot, Dan. I like the way you think...

Appreciate that, and have the same thought about your prose...and survival skills. I came to realize some years ago that flying with or without wings is a thinking man's job. Stopping to inspect something ain't for the faint of heart, anymore than a night carrier launch in 15' seas and a starless night. If you ain't easily amused you'll have a short career with that crap.

BTW, funniest stuff I ever did in a plane was snap rolls. Wish I could try one with Schifty hanging onto one wing strut and Nan on the other. Talk about slingin' chitt.....

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain