Originally Posted by rwa3006
I had three fireplace/stove stores and have sold and installed hundreds of these. There are specific codes on this. Don't guess. I also inspected a few burned buildings for insurance companies and I can tell you you don't want to take advise from just anybody. Feel free to PM me if you need help.

I helped a local volunteer fire department put out a neighbor's house fire once several years ago.

Neighbor heated their whole house with a wood burner located in their family room. Neighbor tried to convince his insurance company the fire was caused by an electrical problem with an aquarium as he hadn't reported to insurance that they heated with a wood burner.

I was one of the first through the family room outside door and saw flames and smoke roiling out where the wood burner chimney went through the ceiling.
I saw no flames, smoke or anything even remotely indicating a fire at or close to the aquarium.