
The one on he left definitely is not a WLN, its a WFN. Looks like he cut the wrong profile. When you specify the nose length, its to seat as far out as possible with the WLN design, yet still function. Ruger single action cylinders in magnum cartridges are at .35. The bullet on the right obviously is designed to do that while the one on the left isn't.
I've got moulds in both profiles and no WLN I have looks like the bullet on the left.

The weight discrepancy might be due to your alloy specification. One cut for Lino is going to weigh more with wheelweight alloy thn it does for lino; I'm sure you're up on that.

Its also strange he's cutting a driving band like a bore ride design, or what the mass production moulds are cut like to make fitting multiple guns easier.

It looks like a mistake, but if your happy, that's all that matters.