When I started, we would write down where every wire was landed with a pad and pencil. Now we just snap a pic with the cell phone. First guy I saw do this, I complained that it was a terrible idea. What if the phone [bleep] up and there are no schematics to this machine? Now I do it almost everyday and do not think twice.

Also someone mentioned youtube. When I started in Industrial Maintenance, you had to know everything from how to set up your tig welder for various metals, to how to wire in 3 phase motors high and low voltages, to how to calculate how much to add to the cut of the key way you were machining into a shaft to account for the radius. Now the guys just watch a youtube video and go do it.

I do the same thing also on occasion, but I think the difference is I retain that info for next time because that is the way I had to learn before. Newer guys look it up every time because that is the way the world is now. Info at your fingertips, why remember anything.

Not saying it is bad necessarily, just different way to operate.

"Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money." -Tom T Hall

Molon Labe