Last ?? ....are there any benefits in handling recoil using a thumbhole stock like a Boyd's or mebbe one of the LR style stocks with a more verticle pistol grip ?? Both my right hand and shoulder are medical wrecks, It seems to me that there might be some advantage to handling heavier recoil better with a more verticle hand grip so you could use your palm to take more of the recoil pulse with.

A LR Comp shooter I know uses & touts a particular Manners stock I think it is, for his comp rifle's....dunno if Manners even makes a stock for my Marlin XL7 and I would expect the Manners stocks are a "little too spendy" for a beater of a rough gun ...or as my Cajun friends would say a "pirogue gun" ...which is sumthin to both paddle the pirouge with, an' beat the dogs off the fresh dead critter with before they ain't nuthin' left for dinner.

TIME FOR TERM LIMITS !!!! Politicians are just like diapers, they need to be changed often and regularly for the same reason...Robin Williams.