No problem I knew what you meant..

I never did ask Mickey what chambering method he used, Greg has video’s as Gordy does... so I was just wondering.

I consider Gordy a good friend of mine, beyond me taking his courses on accurizing and building rifles, he helped me setup my shop, and taught me how to chamber. Mickey made some equipment recommendations as well.

Myself - I’m a retired career engineer / ex. Military guy who is more interested in a single ragged hole group than beating the club champ (done that.. not interested) or selling a bunch of stuff.
At the end of the day, I’m interested in comparing methods, and listening to guys who have been there and done ask much as possible while they are still around so I can build rifles that make guys like me smile because you are starting with groups that you try to get out of a factory rifle.

If you wander up around Kansas for a match let me know, we might run into each other... especially if you stop at George’s, or TommE’s...
