Roger, it indeed has been a chilly one for the last couple days but it's that time of the year I guess.

When it gets like this we roll out straw for the calves to bed down and feed the cows pretty much all they'll eat.

Hopefully no water or machinery issues as we are using 7-8 waterers/tanks, 3 tractors and 2 pickups.

Haven't sold anything yet so there's around 700 various mouths to feed everyday which can get a little stressful when chits breaks down.

Jim, dad and I do pretty much all the chores together now so it takes awhile longer. You know the drill, dark til dark some days!

And I could hear the fuucking wind blowing last night. God I hate that for the critters, maybe we should build a barn......

79, it's all rookie numbers unless a guy is actually out in it working. Luckily for us 90% of the day we're inside a heated cab.

I can only remember 2-3 different days when it was -60 or -70F windchill and it was scary cold. As in don't have ANY exposed skin or you'll feel the burn. Absolutely miserable.

Stay safe out there.