Originally Posted by There_Ya_Go
I really don't understand the rush to the bottom in rifle calibers. It seems like hunters are trying to see how little they can get by with. Sort of like bragging about how small of a knife blade they can skin an elk with and so forth. I get the aversion to excessive recoil, especially the older I get, but there seems to more to it than that. Has killing a deer, an elk, or an antelope become so routine than guys need to do something different to keep the hunt interesting or to prove one's prowess? Genuinely curious.

I have pretty much always been at the bottom. I have killed maybe a dozen or 15 deer with calibers above 24 with 30 being the largest.

Couldn't see where the bigger calibers did one lick better for me than the 24 caliber cartridges. Maybe heavier blood trails but I rarely need those as deer are usually down within 10-15 yards.

In fact 22 calibers are second in line to number of deer killed behind 24 caliber for me.

The last time that bear ate a lawyer he had the runs for 33 days!