And just think.......... Depending on where you grew up, some people don't even know what road salt really is. Because they don't even know what rock salt is, because they've never heard of it or seen it. Many years ago I was talking to some girls in a bar in the San Joaquin valley in California. The topic got to be winter and they were asking me about the snow and winter in general in western NY state. Told them all about it and when I got to talking about snow plows and spreading salt on the roads a couple of them called B.S. on me. Turns out they never even heard of rock salt and when they heard the word "salt"; it meant table salt because that's the only salt they ever saw or heard of. I still chuckle at them imagining a 10 wheel dump with a salt spreader on the back filled with umpteen tons of table salt. Of course we were all imbibing at the time but it was still hilarious.