I don't much care where any of it comes from but I think a bunch of it should be dissolved in water and used to give a high pressure enema to those who further it's use. I hate it. I hate that billions of dollars are spent sprerading it on highways just so a bunch of shivering puzzies can get out on the road. It eats up my vehicles. It attracts deer, elk, and sheep to the highway where they get hit by the aforementioned drivers. Where we would otherwise be driving on compacted snow or ice, we are driving on three inches of slimy, briny, dirty, slush. Out on the prairies, before the use of salt became widespread, the snow mostly blew off the roads. Sometime in the '70's some jurisdictions started salting the intersections and, on the highway, those were the only places where the snow built up. The answer, of course. was to put more salt there so the snow would build up deeper. In the late '70's, Alberta saw a huge influx of people from Ontario and they brought their salt with them. The bastards. GD