Originally Posted by FishinHank
I've met Rinella, got drunk with him in Ketchikan. He was a nice guy and we talked about all kinds of subjects.

Believe Nothing You Hear, and Only One Half That You See

A lot of people have not only met but know serial killers. You know the drill right? Interviewer interviewing the murderer, rapist, or ect next door neighbor. He was a nice guy I can't believe this! Blah blah blah...... NO I realize he isn't a murderer, rapist, ect. But he is a hunter that is not a strong 2A supporter. He talks a great game about hunting but beware the smoke n mirrors. Meeting a guy and having a drink with a guy isn't knowing a guy. Sorry but anyone that supports BHA to me is the enemy. Now I am not saying the guy doesn't know how to make a show, but a SHOW it is! If you like him and or any of the others in that Bozeman crowd good for you. I have zero use for any of them.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.