This is not much different from when John McCain died, and some people were celebrating his death. I didn't like McCain's politics, and thought the old bastid was a stain on the GOP, but you just do not need to speak ill of the it accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Same way with Kobe Bryant, as I didn't care for him or the NBA. But, let it go, and do not speak ill of the dead, they can't hear you.

It's going to be the same way when Ruth Ginsburg dies. Personally, I can't stand the old biddy, and her politics and judicial decisions run contrary to everything I believe, and when she is no longer with us, hopefully someone that believes as I do will take her place. However, when she does die, and if I'm still around, I am not going to be one of those who will come on here and rejoice in her death. Instead, I'll just hope that the SCOTUS will be better off without her.