Originally Posted by ol_mike
Trying to learn from folks who have handled a lot of different skinning knives

As title says which blade length , blade shape and grind do you like and why if'n you feel like explaining it .

I'm a rookie with knives , skinned my share of deer/pigs and furbearers - trying to find a better knife than the cheap kershaw/winchester/eye brand i now have .

Been cruising the Classifieds but don't know exactly what i want - thanks for any opinions .

I do not use and do not like a classic shaped skinner. I like small drop point knives that slice well. I guess the shape I prefer that' easy to find a picture of is the Knives of Alaska Jaeger.

I always gut my deer. When I am done gutting, Bambis is unzipped from the anus to the chin. After that I will unzip the legs on the front edge up to the main stem to stern cut. With a deer that is not frozen,I do not do much if any cutting. I might use the back side of the tip to separate a little tough membrane. I use the small pointy tip to get into the joints to separate the cruciates, and I cut the tendons that span the joints on the sides and the achilles tendon, but that can be done with anything sharp.