Originally Posted by Brad
Originally Posted by Journeyman

Originally Posted by Godogs57
Wicked edge sharpening system. No equal

Have them all...literally ALL...and I agree..


There are a variety of similar systems (like the Hapstone). It's more the quality of the stones and the ability of the operator rather than the system.

Heck, Gene Ingram uses a Lansky...

Fully agree, Brad. Though I would say "understanding of the operator with the system's operation" in lieu of "ability of the operator."

I have both edgepros, a KME, both of the russkies (hapstone and TSPROF), sharpmaker, Tormek, Wicked Edge, Warthog, heck, even Bader and Wilton Square Wheel grinders....and lots more. Plus at least 30 types of stones from SiC to Shapton, Chosera, etc...

I get lots of knives from makers that when checked on the goniometer are way off from what they claim. Major issue is faceting, where they don't compensate for stone wear/thickness between initial and subsequent to finish grits.

THAT is why I like the Wicked Edge. The Gen 3 clamp, indexing, microadjustment, and mostly the both side lapping that controls the burr... BUT, as you say...once a guy "knows" the system he has, and how to adjust for consistent angle, they all work... I should have said "for me, there is no equal."

And to add, one of the reasons I love Gene (I have 37 of his knives, and we've had this conversation)...he doesn't say "I sharpened it to 20* on the Lansky", he says "I sharpened it using the 20* setting on the Lansky." Sharp (pun) guy....he gets it!

You can no more tell someone how to do something you've never done, than you can come back from somewhere you've never been...