Originally Posted by nemotheangler
Originally Posted by TomT
Fatal Attraction. Glenn Close is scary As-F! Stalker scary!
Ok, not your “horror movie” scary, but that movie will make even the most unfaithful among us think twice before cheating.

The Exorcist, The Omen, Rosemary’s Baby (originals, not ANY bs “re-makes”). There were also a few, early 80s, lesser know horror movies that rode the wave of the Halloween, Friday the 13th and Freddy Kruger franchises, like Happy Birthday to me and Mother’s Day, that (in my memory) were scary, but that was 40 years ago :-).

I would like to include the “Living Dead” movies, by George Romero, but they’ve become more “humorous”/campy in my mind over the years.

Lastly (honorable mention), Ishtar, with Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty. It’s been over 30 years, I’m sure, but that movie was SCARY! ..... at least scary BAD 😁

Fatal Attraction is the ONE that got me. Probably 14-15 years old watched it by myself in the basement when the rest of the the family was asleep upstairs. It was so scary because it could really happen! Can't remember ever truly feeling "Scared" from a movie since.

Yep, Fatal Attraction. Scary scene.