Originally Posted by slumlord

Now, those guys that filmed and free-climbed El Capitan creeps me out.

You sayn it's the devells work.. That he climbs
like a man possessed?

Originally Posted by Elkhunter49
I watched "The Exorcist" at the movie theater when I was 13 I think, scared the [bleep] out of me!

Just the image of the priest silhouetted outside the
home at night in the light/ fog with that music is iconic
and have lasting impact, and enough to give some
a reminder/the creeps without even watching the
movie again.

Originally they were going to cast big name actors like
Brando, Nicholson and Hepburn, but decided on some
unknowns so the movie could prove itself on Its own

If one watches the behind the scenes making
of the movie...like where they are applying the
spec. effects to Linda Blair it takes the edge
off the movie somewhat.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.