Not a fan of this genre but for me, Psycho, specifically the shower scene. Hitchcock set the scene and provided all the components for the viewer to construct his own most terrifying scene.

What scared me most was Invaders from Mars, 1953. A bad indie film. I was probably 7 and watched it on TV with the older kids. Young David was awakened by a thunderstorm just in time to see a UFO land in a nearby field. Every adult that investigates is taken over by an alien (of course). Finally David is being chased down a tunnel screaming his head off when his parents wake him from the nightmare. Reassured he settles down and goes to sleep just in time (you guessed it) to be awakened by a thunderstorm... Is it live or is it Memorex? That little twist got me thinking.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.